Posts by Dee :

2016 Goals & Resolutions
I always think I’m not going to do resolutions. They always turn out to be unrealistic (“I’m losing 50 lbs this year for SURE!”, “I’m going to blog every day!”) or devastating when they don’t work out (“…sob, cakes sos goooood, ahm soooo faaaaat, sob, nom, sob, nom”). But, well, the last couple years have […]

Meet The Character–Katrina Killian
I was tagged by the incomparable Sahara Roberts to join this awesome Meet The Character Blog Hop and I’m super excited about it! So allow me to introduce you to Katrina Killian, undercover DEA agent and all around bad girl. 🙂 But first, let’s start with Sahara… Sahara Roberts is the author of Desire […]
Convicted Contest: The Law According To Cade Challenge
My new book Convicted is out and can you believe it? It hit Amazon’s Top 25 Suspense list! Wild thanks to all of you that have bought the book and fallen in love with Cade and Trina! Let’s say we introduce even more! Take part in“The Law According To Cade”Challenge! First, here’s […]
Looking For A Few Good Fans
Howdy Gang! Well, the release of my first Entangled book is only weeks away and I’m hoping some of you might be interested in helping a girl out. I need a few folks willing to take part in some posting projects that go into effect on release day, August 18th. The first is an active […]

When The Lights Go Out…
Sadly, this isn’t a romantic post. My power went out last night and honestly, I slept through most of it. Until Hubby woke up at 4 am and noticed there was no power. And all my nightlights were off. In some ways, I am a complete Southern Californian. I am not prepared for storms. Rock […]
A New Look…
So I’ve been bothered for a while with the way my site was looking. I still love the theme, but the changes I made as I adjusted for things that needed doing or replacing… It all got a lot washed out. Plus, I’d put that design in last summer and suffice it to say, Summer […]